API status

Calculate the HTTP message signature

Signature parameters and signature input

The Investment API uses a strict configuration of the HTTP message signatures calculation algorithm and requires particular request components to be included in the signature calculation process.

The request signature is transported via two HTTP headers that must be present in all API requests, signature-input and @signature-params. This page describes how these headers are generated.

See also: Signature Components and Metadata for descriptions of how inputs to this process are created.

How to calculate the signature

After all signature components are defined along with the @signature-params component, the following signature header values can be calculated.

Signature header values

Header nameDescriptionFormat
signature-inputThis HTTP header is a dictionary structured field RFC 8941. It contains the metadata for the HTTP message signature generated from the listed components of the HTTP message (which are defined in the IETF draft for HTTP message signatures).sig1={signature params value}
{signature params value} is equal to the value of the component @signature-params.

Example signature input

signature-input: sig1=("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
Header nameDescriptionFormat
signatureThis HTTP header is a dictionary structured field RFC 8941. It contains one message signature generated from the listed components of the HTTP message (which are defined in the IETF draft for HTTP message signatures).
The signature value is enclosed by colons (:).
sig1=:{signature value}:
{signature value} is equal to the calculated signature value.

If you'd like more information about these HTTP headers, please follow the links in this table.

Header nameDescriptionDocumentation
signature-inputMetadata for a message signature generated from components within the HTTP messageLink
@signature-paramsMetadata defining which parameters are included in the calculation of the signatureLink
signatureMessage signature generated from components within the HTTP messageLink

Calculating the signature value

To calculate the signature value, proceed as follows:

  1. Take all signature components in the same order as the component keys listed in @signature-params.

  2. Append the @signature-params component to the end of this list (even though it is not explicitly listed as a signature component in @signature-params itself).

  3. Merge them using the new line character (\n, i.e. ASCII 0x0a) as a delimiter.

    Example signature base string

    "@method": POST
    "@path": /endpoint
    "@query": ?a=b
    "accept": application/json
    "authorization": Bearer the-OAuth2-access-token-goes-here
    "content-length": 16
    "content-type": application/json
    "content-digest": sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
    "idempotency-key": 424e8603-f12c-4a58-8eb1-5edfe471f3ab
    "upvest-client-id": 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40
    "@signature-params": ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"

  4. Calculate the signature using the signing key and then encode the resulting signature by using Base64 encoding.

    The signature base string must not contain any terminating, leading, or additional spaces or line breaks.

    Example signature header

    signature: sig1=:MIGIAkIBwgt8M6z9WDdEoUOh/2c5zIQxKHfQalVKjepSGibcG2JD0PJ9FYOD65aq8L2FotNcDvWliJKFrdEwZNJCgMVrx7MCQgG8cMJ3dorHLDwmJpp93CdBRMujBWvIpL+dcVawRpzKXt6ZTNkuPLrHKOkKYRtVRyPrnBuG5T9A71VMGUOJFeo3oA==: