API status

Fees reporting

Fees are currently listed in the following reports compiled by Upvest:

  • Ex-ante reporting

  • Ex-post cost reporting

Ex-ante reporting

The indication of fees in the ex ante report is currently not related to the actual collection of fees as it is a declaration of intent.

Clients must ensure that the fees they state in the ex ante report correspond to the fees actually collected so that the user is not misinformed.

Ex-post cost reporting

Upvest automatically reflects all processed fees in the ex-post cost reporting for a user.

If part of the fees are collected on the client side, it is crucial that the amounts collected during the calendar year are submitted to Upvest in time for the beginning of the next calendar year so that we can make sure they are correctly reflected in the reporting.

Coming soon
Upvest will provide fee billing reports soon. Until then, please make sure that the user has all the necessary information about the fees they have paid.