Tracing a rebalancing

This section describes how you can track the progress of a rebalancing process.

As described above, you receive update webhook events for each account when new orders are added within a rebalancing process. The depicted flow focuses on the specifics of a portfolio order that triggers a rebalancing.

For more general details on the individual steps of a portfolio order, refer to the 'Understanding portfolio orders' guide.

  1. Rebalancing_execution_order.NEW

  2. Portfolio_order.NEW

  3. Portfolio_order.PROCESSING & Rebalancing_execution_order.PROCESSING

    • a) Individual_order.PROCESSING
    • b) Individual_order.FILLED
    • c) Step a & b repeat until all individual_orders of the batch are in the FILLED state.
  4. Portfolio_order.FILLED

  5. Rebalancing_execution_order.FILLED


Webhooks notify you of events in business processes, not the success or failure of the initialisation of those processes.

Please be sure to check the HTTP status of the response to your requests and handle failure cases appropriately.

In addition, a portfolio order of type REBALANCING contains the rebalancing_execution_id in the client reference to enable simple allocation.

As described in the ‘Tracking portfolio orders’ guide, each individual order carries the portfolio_order_id in its client reference field. In this way, there is a chain of references at the various levels of the process.


The execution of the rebalancing is referenced in the portfolio order, the portfolio order is referenced in the individual orders.

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