Interpreting instruments positions

When trading instruments via the Investment API, positions can be locked for trading or other purposes (e.g., an account transfer). We provide full transparency on the current status of each position and allow full insight into the permitted actions that affect the position:

quantityThe total quantity of the position.10.4
locked_for_tradingThe portion of the position reserved for existing open orders.5
pending_settlementThe portion of the total quantity that is not yet settled. The amount for outstanding settlements is always only a positive number, as it is only increased for purchase orders that have not yet been settled.0
available_for_tradingThe portion of the position that is available for trading, minus the positions locked for trading and all other locks (e.g., withdrawals, holding periods) that apply to the position.5.4

Dedicated cash balances

In some cases, it can be important to separate cash flows from different sources. For example, you always want to reinvest dividends and not allow them to be withdrawn or used for buy orders. In contrast, with some integration concepts it may make sense to withdraw the dividends as well as the proceeds from sell orders. This also means that you have to top up the user's cash balance separately for each buy order.

All of these cases are supported on the Upvest side.


Once you have gained an initial understanding of your business requirements, the Upvest team will assist you in selecting the required cash flow behaviour that meets these requirements.

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