Implementing savings plans

In this chapter, you will learn how to implement savings plans with the Investment API.


Please note the following preconditions in order to successfully implement savings plans:

  • Creating a savings plan for one of your users requires an active account.
  • The user's portfolio account must already have been configured for a portfolio savings plan.

1. Creating savings plans

The savings plan endpoint allows you to flexibly configure savings plan intervals - for example, your users can choose monthly automatic investments or individual intervals that best suit their needs.

You can create a savings plan for individual instruments as well as for a portfolio.


Please note that you cannot create a savings plan for a single instrument for a portfolio account.

To create a portfolio savings plan, proceed as follows:

POST /savings_plans

Portfolio savings plan

In this example, a portfolio savings plan is created that executes recurring buy orders of € 100 once a week from July 24.

Example request portfolio savings plan

Expand example
  "user_id": "4b9732bd-7496-491-8a5f-6360479d7fed",
  "account_id": "00ef0be8-d564-43af-b3c7-11b7a2188030",
  "type": "PORTFOLIO",
  "cash_amount": "100.00",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "start_date" : "2023-07-24",
  "period": "WEEK", 
  "interval" : "1" 

Single instruments savings plan

Instrument savings plans are executed as individual orders.

In this example, a savings plan is created that executes recurring weekly buy orders of €100 for a specific ETF starting on July 24.

Example request instruments savings plan

Expand example
  "user_id": "4b9732bd-7496-491-8a5f-6360479d7fed",
  "account_id": "00ef0be8-d564-43af-b3c7-11b7a2188030",
  "type": "INSTRUMENT",
  "instrument_id": "IE00BOM62058",
  "instrument_id_type": "ISIN",
  "cash_amount": "100.00",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "start_date" : "2023-07-24",
  "period": "WEEK", 
  "interval" : "1" 
user_idRequired: The ID of the user.
account_idRequired: The ID of the account.
typeRequired The savings plan type.
Possible values:
instrument_idIf type is INSTRUMENT, the ID of the instrument.
instrument_id_typeIf type is INSTRUMENT, The type of the ID used in the request.
Possible values:
cash_amountRequired: The savings plan amount.
currencyRequired: The currency, currently only EUR is allowed.
start_dateRequired: First date of the savings plan execution in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
periodRequired: The time unit.
Possible values:
intervalRequired: The number of periods between executions. Default: 1.

Configuring the cadence

This table will help you to define the cadence.

Example configurations:

CadenceExample configuration
Every daystart_date: "01.08.2023",
period: "DAY",
interval: "1"
Bi-weeklystart_date: "31.07.2023",
period: "WEEK",
interval: "2"
Every weekstart_date: "31.07.2023",
period: "WEEK",
interval: "1"
Beginning of the month/
Once a month
start_date: "01.08.2023",
period: "MONTH",
interval: "1"
Middle of the monthstart_date: "15.08.2023",
period: "MONTH",
interval: "1"

2. Listing a savings plans

To list all savings plans, submit

GET /savings_plans/

You can retrieve individual savings plan via

GET /savings_plans/{savings_plan_id}

3. Get savings plans execution

You can list the executions for a savings plan with the following request:

GET /savings_plans/{savings_plan_id}/executions

Path parameterDescription
savings_plan_idRequired: Specify the ID of the savings plan that you want to retrieve.

To retrieve a single savings plan execution, submit the following request:

GET /savings_plans/{savings_plan_id}/executions/{savings_plan_execution_id}

Path parameterDescription
savings_plan_idRequired: Specify the ID of the savings plan that you want to retrieve.
savings_plan_execution_idRequired: Specify the ID of the savings plan execution that you want to retrieve.

Example response portfolio savings plan

  "id": "54b8d84f-5bd0-4e43-bf0f-164388cb4c23",
  "created_at": "2023-07-21T10:00:00.00Z",
  "object": {
    "id": "fc34d28e-38f5-49d2-92f6-82acb79098f4",
    "created_at": "2023-07-21T14:10:00.00Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-07-21T15:10:00.00Z",
    "user_id": "4b9732bd-7496-4913-8a5f-6360479d7fed",
    "account_id": "00ef0be8-d564-43af-b3c7-11b7a2188030",
    "savings_plan_id": "c31083c1-1cd3-405f-95d1-f49a37f0e032",
    "order_id": null,
    "cash_amount": "100",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "status": "NEW",
    "type": "PORTFOLIO",
    "execution_date": "2023-07-23"
  "webhook_id": "cd2e4183-4e62-4e0f-981b-44b594d14610"

4. Delete a savings plan execution

If you delete a savings plan execution, all outstanding executions will be cancelled and no new executions will be created.

DELETE /savings_plans/{savings_plan_id}/executions/{savings_plan_execution_id}