Order execution states

Every order execution associated with an order has its own set of states to provide a more detailed picture of the status of the order processing.

FILLEDThe order was FILLED in full or in part by the trading partner, depending on the execution amount. The securities and cash positions were updated accordingly.
SETTLEDThe order execution has been settled (typically on T+2). For sell orders, this means that the cash can now be withdrawn.
CANCELLEDThe order execution has been cancelled due to an error at the trading partner, i.e. a mistrade.

Every time a state changes, Upvest emits a webhook event. For more information, see how to subscribe to the webhooks.

Order execution state transitions


In order for an order execution to change from the FILLED to SETTLED status, the following condition must be met:

  • The order execution must have been settled by our custodian bank.

For sell orders, the cash can be withdrawn as soon as the order execution changes to the SETTLED status.

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